Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Run, Dwain, Run!!

There has been much heart rending sanctimonious guff about not letting the Athlete Dwain Chambers represent Britain following his exposure as a drugs cheat. Unlike Amy Winehouse who has allegedly been using Class A illegal substance and yet remains a hero to our children however, Chambers has taken the decidedly legal steroid THG and has received nothing but brickbats and approbation. Why such a difference?

Chambers has served his ban and yet is being frozen out by track and field bosses who find the sight of him running for Britain unedifying. From a moral point of view only, I believe they are right - certainly if I was an athlete in a similar position I would be too ashamed to represent my country even if I was technically within my rights to do so.

But there is a trend in modern Britain to escape censure by sticking to the rule though ignoring the spirit of the law. Thus we see Government Ministers clinging to office by their fingernails on technicalities until they are forced out by colleagues or police investigations. A man is executed by the police on the London Underground without them even being sure of who he was or if he represented a threat and yet no-one, including the person supposedly in charge of the organisation, takes responsibility and everyone stays in their jobs. Even the Speaker in charge of the Parliament that makes our laws clings to the rules despite there being a strong moral case for him to consider his position.

Within the world of surgery, the Chief Medical Officer and Government Stooge, Sir Liam Donaldson, has wreaked havoc by introducing the ill-thought MMC process which has, at a stroke, sacrificed thousands of Doctor's careers and will usher in the subconsultant grade. Trainees, trainers and the medical community want this man to go thanks to the destruction of our profession that he has left in his wake yet he also refuses to give up his substantive salary and chauffeur driven car.

No morals, no scruples, if there is a way to escape responsibility for your actions it should be taken.

So let Dwain Chambers run. After all, who could be more representative of our once noble country?

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